
The Deep Dive Podcast

I’ve been intrigued by this question, and I’ve also been interested in the perspective that my friend Chelsey Jo Huntsman might have on the topic. Chelsey is a coach, spiritual guide, pleasure priestess, and among other things an amazing human being who I had the opportunity to interview on this week’s episode. Do we really ever get over an ex? Does that feeling ever actually fade? Join Chelsey and I in this week’s Deep Dive question and I’m looking forward to you perspective as well.
This week, I want to share some tips with you on how to move through times of change and transition faster and with more ease and grace. It maybe surprise you how simple this one is at first, but how difficult it can be to really apply to your life and implement in your experience. Try it out, join the conversation, and if you got something from this episode I’ll invite you to share this with someone who might need to hear it too.

On this weeks podcast I want to share with you an exercise consisting of three ways to not only understand the ways that you’ve broken trust with yourself, but rebuild it. Just like any relationship, trusting in YOU is very possibly the most important thing you can do if you want to live a healthy, happy, and empowered life. And as always, it starts with awareness.

Are you ready for a trust fall? Join me in this exercise this week and let’s up level together.

In this week’s podcast, I talk about why you SHOULD blame yourself for your breakup. Though it may sound a little off when you first hear it, I talk about how to face the responsibility you have in the end of a partnership and how it can help you actually acknowledge the growth that you’ve done by just realizing your part in it.
