
The Deep Dive Podcast

I believe money is energy, and because of that how we prepare ourselves to receive abundance is as important as how we receive it. My guest this week is Kate Northrup, a best selling author, entrepreneur, and mother, that recently launched her first seven-figure offering and has some really amazing insight on how regulating our nervous system can help us become better vessels to receive. 
For this discussion I decided to dive deep with my friend Mia Magik; an influencer and entrepreneur herself, who is also a witch and devotes her work and energy to bringing a deep understanding of the abundance that the earth provides and how it translates into all different aspects of our life. We discuss the source of abundance, the purpose of wealth, and a little bit of our own stories of our journeys there. 
This week I brought my good friend Luke Kohen on to talk a little about his own experience of spiritual growth, and if he sees a risk of narcissism in a community whose core intention should truly be about inviting growth and change for all of us. Luke is an artist, entrepreneur, and someone who I have a high level of respect for because of the journey and work that he’s done in his own spiritual walk. 

My guest this week is Aren Bahia, a Canadian entrepreneur and coach who has made his life in Bali all about empowering people and businesses. Aren is a pillar for his community, and a beacon of light for those around him, and 8 months ago was hospitalized after a motorcycle accident, unable to walk and almost dying. I’ve been fascinated with Aren’s outlook in general, but wanted to dive a little deeper with him on what has changed for him in the process of his recovery and if there have been any major revelations around purpose or just life itself after such a traumatic experience. 

This week my guest is Juanpa Barahona. An amazing coach, facilitator, speaker at MindValley, and among many other things, a student of tantra and conscious spirituality; Juanpa’s energy and knowledge around this topic was felt from the moment I met him. Join us in this conversation around sexual superpowers, how to access them, and how to use them to spread love to ourselves and those around us, and may it open up some new perspectives for you to explore in your own experience of sex and sexuality. 
This world, and especially this time in history, is full of information and misinformation that we all have the choice to either believe or disregard. This week I ask you to open your mind to some of the potential truths that may not have been available to you just yet, and allow yourself to feel into what feels true to you. Myself, I’m still in the inquiry of what I believe around this topic. But Ahaumna provides a light into a space that is deep, cosmic, and maybe closer to us than we really realize.
