
Kevin Orosz - Has Spirituality Ruined Romantic Partnership?

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What does impact does spirituality have on dating? 

I find it hard to define WHAT the spiritual community actually is. Whether it's conscious, woke, spiritual; it seems that there is a common thread in this community; relationships seem to be difficult to maintain. It's no secret that there seem to be more short term relationships than long term, at least from my perspective. But why is that? Shouldn't spiritually aware couples have an easier time understanding each other, or relating with one another in supportive and sustainable ways? 

For this topic I brought in my good friend, who is a coach and has specifically focused a large part of his energy and research towards masculine and feminine dynamics in and out of romantic partnerships. 

In this episode we talk about:

Why longer term "conscious" relationships seem to be struggling

The effect that the healing of the wounded masculine, and the rise of the divine feminine, is having on polarity. 

Key take aways for couples looking to experience more polarity, more connection, while continuing to find deeper levels of spirituality both separately and together. 

It doesn't have to be either/or. But as always, it's the awareness and intention that counts when it comes to dating. 
